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I don’t know about you, but road trips are the getaway of the summer season! The sun is shining, the weather is warm, and places always look so nice in the summertime. New York City is also starting to come out of the COVID cloud, which means I’ll hopefully be able to travel further than the grocery store very soon! Lots of people, myself included, are still weary of flying, so many are opting to take more road trips and explore a bit closer to home.

Road Trip Travel

Before you pack your bags and hop in the car, check out a few of my favorite must-have road trip travel essentials and some new discoveries that you won’t want to hit the road without!

Electronics Organizer

If you’ve ever gone searching in the depths of your bag for a charging cable only to find that it’s nowhere to be found, I’m right there with you. From phones to tablets and every electronic device in between, it can be hard to keep track of all your electronic accessories and cables. Before you set off on your next road trip, grab an electronics organizer to keep all your cables and gear neatly packed away and easy to access!

Car Power Inverter

Having easy access to your electronics and cables doesn’t do much if you don’t have anywhere to plug them in. Grab a power inverter before your next road trip so you and your travel partner have someplace to plug everything in! This one is not only affordable, but also compact, so you can put it away in the glovebox when you’re not using it!

Front Seat Gap Filler

This one is probably one of my favorite car accessories! Few things are more frustrating than losing your phone, snack, pen, quarter, or any other small or slim item in the gap between your seat and the center console. Fill the gap and make room to hold all your road trip essentials with this front seat gap filler!

Car Phone Holder

I’ve probably gone through more air vent phone holders in the last year than I care to count. This phone holder magnetically clings to the car dashboard and has an adjustable arm so you can customize the best angle for your phone while you drive. I also love that this phone holder can be used on a desk too.

Car Seat Back Organizer/Cooler

Snacks on the road are great, but getting to them isn’t always easy. Clunky plastic coolers get the job done, but they’re hardly easy to access from the front seat. This super convenient cooler straps to the headrest of the front seat making for easy snacking while on the road!

Drivers Seat Lumbar Support

If you’ve ever been on the road for an extended amount of time, you can probably relate to the achy back symptom of sitting for hours with little lumbar support. Make your road trip more comfortable with a drivers seat lumbar support!

Car Trash Can

Granted a plastic bag could probably double as your car trash can, but this one looks much sleeker and also guards against spills with its leakproof interior and strapped in construction. For your everyday travels, you can probably get away with a plastic bag, but for longer road trips, a leakproof container that stays put is definitely a better deal!


You can never be too prepared! My boyfriend gets terrible motion sickness when we travel so I always pack some Dramamine just in case. Nothing brings a fun road trip to a screeching halt than having to pull over because someone gets sick!

First Aid Kit

Speaking of staying prepared, be sure to grab a first aid kit the with your next Amazon order. They’re amazingly versatile and come in handy when you least expect it! First Aid kits are even more important for your next road trip if you plan on camping, hiking, or doing any kind of exploring where you might not have immediate access to medical care.

Safety Hammer

No one wants to think of the worst-case scenario, but the truth is, you’ll never know when it’ll happen. A safety hammer is an awesome tool to have in your glovebox just in case you find yourself in an emergency situation. This one features a seatbelt cutter and a durable hammer head designed to break through most car windows to provide a lifesaving escape in an emergency.

Which road trip travel essentials are you adding to your Amazon cart today?

If you’re hitting the road after three months of quarantine, I hope you stay safe, have an amazing time, and get to explore some new places!

For more travel tips and tricks and inspiration, check out my other travel articles here! If you’ll be braving air travel this summer, you’ll love my post on How to Pack a Carry-on for a Week-long Vacation!

I’m excited to visit some new places a little closer to home that I’ve never explored before. As much as I love my city, New York is so much more than Manhattan and the five boroughs. I plan on road tripping upstate, further out on Long Island, and possibly to nearby states (within reason and maintaining socially distant of course)!

Stay tuned for my road trip travel series coming up this summer and subscribe to my newsletter for post notifications! You can also find me on Instagram and Pinterest!

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