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Want to try Stitch Fix, but you also want to get stuff you like? I’m with you! My first Stitch Fix box was super disappointing, but once I figured out a few key techniques, my second box captured my style so much better. Keep reading for my best tips to get the perfect Stitch Fix box every time!

Create a Pinterest board for outfits you love

I don’t know about you, but I’m always turning to Pinterest for visual inspiration for everything from fashion to home decor. Since Pinterest is a highly visual platform, it makes pin-pointing your personal style so much easier than just with words. How many times have you searched Pinterest for outfit ideas or bought a clothing item because you loved how someone styled it on Pinterest? By sending your Stitch Fix personal stylist to a visual mood board of outfits, styles, textures, and colors you like, you’ll be giving. your stylist a glimpse into your personal style and improve the chances of getting items you love in your Stitch Fix box!

Mention Pieces That You’ve Been Shopping for or Would Really Like to Add to Your Wardrobe

If you’ve been looking into getting a particular staple item for your wardrobe, be sure to include that in your note to your Stitch Fix stylist. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been searching for just the right pair of boots or the right style of jacket and wished I had someone like a personal stylist to help me find it. Be sure to include a really good description of the kind of item you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a more affordable version of an expensive brand, include that in your note so your stylist can look it up and find pieces that come close, but are within your price range.

Fill Out Your Survey Truthfully

This one is hard because the survey is kind of long and you might not have thought about some of the style questions they ask. Take your time and really consider what styles you really like, what styles you would never wear, and especially the price you’re willing to pay for your clothes. You might think that you’re willing to spend $50 on a top until you actually have to check out after receiving your Stitch Fix box. On the flip side, you might think you prefer more affordable items, but find that you would rather pay top dollar for impeccable quality than something that might not last as long. The more candid you are about your likes, dislikes, and price range, the greater your chances of getting items that you not only like, but are also at the right price!

Complete Your Style Shuffle Daily

I love this feature on Stitch Fix because it takes less than 2 minutes to “thumbs-up” or “thumbs-down” a few clothing items, some outfit flat lays, and accessories. I genuinely credit this feature with getting a much better Stitch Fix box my second time around. The more Style Shuffles you fill out, the more insight your stylist gets into what you like and don’t like. This is especially helpful if you don’t have a public Pinterest or Instagram page that you can direct your stylist to.

Tell Your Stylist What You Absolutely Do Not Want

Nothing is worse than getting a Stitch Fix box full of clothes you absolutely hate. (Okay, there are much worse things that could happen, but bare with me for dramatic effect!) I didn’t hate the clothes I got in my first box, but I wasn’t thrilled with them either. I received an a-line skirt, a midi faux-wrap dress, and a jacket that I was honestly kind of baffled by because I didn’t think they fit in with anything I said I liked. My mistake was not being clear about specific cuts and items I absolutely did not want. Because I’m so petite, a-line skirts and typical midi dresses rarely fit me well even if they’re in a petite size, and the type of jacket I received was too long for my short torso (I prefer cropped lengths). I learned that telling my stylist what I don’t want is just as important as telling her what I do want. For my next fix, I was very clear about the kind of colors, fit of skirts, and jewelry I liked and disliked, so I ended up enjoying my Stitch Fix box and the clothes much better!

Bonus: If You Have a Public Instagram, Leave Your Handle in the Note to Your Stitch Fix Stylist!

Giving your stylist the opportunity to see the clothes and outfits you pick out yourself is a fantastic way to show them the styles, colors, and items you already own. For my second box, my stylist actually went above and beyond to suggest unique outfit ideas for my Stitch Fix items by incorporating clothes I already owned that she saw featured on my Instagram. It added a personal touch that I didn’t expect and I really appreciated the extra effort she put in to genuinely send clothes that would realistically fit into my existing wardrobe.

Now that you know exactly how to get a Stitch Fix box full of clothes you’ll love from your Stitch Fix stylist, put my techniques to the test and grab your first Stitch Fix box here! By using my referral link, you’ll also get a $25 credit to your account to use toward the purchase of items in your Stitch Fix box! Take the work out of shopping at the mall and perusing endless pages of clothes online. Let a Stitch Fix Stylist help you out and keep you on trend, within your budget, and well dressed for whatever life throws your way!

For more petite style inspiration, travel tips and tricks, and 20-something lifestyle content, subscribe to my newsletter! You’ll be the first the know about new posts and get access to exclusive free downloadable worksheets and planners! Come hang with me on Instagram and Pinterest too!

1 Comment on 5 Tips to Get the Perfect Stitch Fix Box

  1. This looks so fun dear!
    Thanks for sharing the Stitch Fix stylist

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